San Antonio, Texas Mahjong Open Play with Troop Mahjong

San Antonio, Texas Mahjong Open Play with Troop Mahjong

Who is ready for mahjong? Are you looking for a fun mahjong events in San Antonio, TX and surroudning areas? You have come to the right place! Troop Mahjong Open Play events are the best places to brush up on your mahjong skills all while making new freinds! 

Come join us at our upcoming Open Play! Get tickets HERE

Not only is open play a great way to make friends, it is also a fun way to try out new products. One of my favorite things about mahjong are the different tiles and mats. I love mixing and matching tiles and mats and I think it is so fun to see the colors and styles in person. 

Come join us at our upcoming Open Play! Get tickets HERE


Please keep in mind, Open Play is not a Mahjong 101 lesson, there will be no teaching. All levels are welcome and beginners are encouraged!

If you would like to host a Mahjong 101 or Open Play event, please fill out the form HERE.


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