Pink futon under $350

Are you looking for a sofa? I have the perfect one and it is under $350 and its from Walmart!

Introducing this fabulous transitional futon/ convertible sofa. I have the pink version in my Lady Lodge and I am OBSESSED!

If pink isn’t your color, it comes in 12 different colors, all under $400. I have picked out my top 4 colors, linked below.

If you are decorating a space in your home, Walmart has some fantastic pieces you can shop here.

Plus I am linking my favorite suggestions below. To shop, you can tap the item in the photo.

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If you are not already following me on LTK you can by clicking here. You will see all my favorite must-have items, suggestions, and deals there.

Decorating your home can be stressful, so I hope this round-up will help. I am proud to say that this post is sponsored by Walmart, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Kristel Gonzaba